
DKFZ -German Cancer Research center

Herzkissen Hamburg – Throughout Germany there are various heart pillow sewing groups who voluntarily manufacture the heart pillows for their region and give them away to the clinics. This is the one from Hamburg.

AWO A German association that provides counseling and support in many fields, cancer patients included.

AIRC  – Italian Cancer Research foundation.

BCN – UK research and care charity for breast cancer.

Awesome people

Dee Dorothy – A youtube vlog featuring a young mother, that went through breast cancer and kept a video diary of her experience. It was extremely useful to me, as it helped me understand what to expect, step by step, with my own condition.

GirlvsCancer – Lauren’s aim was to share the tales of her treatment in an authentic and accessible way in an attempt to tackle the cancer taboo and create a better understanding of the challenges facing those diagnosed with cancer in their 20’s + 30’s.

Kate Cleavage – An amazing strong woman and English teacher with stage 4 cancer at 29. A truly inspirational woman

FCKCNCR – Two amazing young cancer patients. They manage to collect more than 50.000€ for the DKFZ by selling bracelets.

Pretty Sick – A very helpful book about beauty and tips during cancer. Beauty is not everything but it really helps to make you feel better and girly.